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Market positioning survey AFRICA

Market positioning survey services

Table of Contents

Overview     1

Our market positioning survey services strategies 4


Pain Points to Address during the Engagement           5

Our Approach            7

Benefits of Our market positioning survey      10

  Positioning Research QUESTION. 11

Results you can expect from our market  positioning survey services     16

Related Services       16

Industries we Serve              18

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)      20

Why Choose Us         22

Our people    23

Our Process for market positioning services   24

Client Testimonials 26

Pricing               27

Get Started   27



Stonehill Intelligence and Marketing Limited is the Leading Market Positioning Research and Marketing Positioning Surveys Company in Nigeria. We offer Market Positioning Research vide surveys to a growing clientele in the private sector in Nigeria. Market Positioning Research provides information on competition, brand perception, brand messaging etc. As the best market Positioning survey company, she prides herself as the go-to company for all market survey needs of its growing clientele. We   established a brand image that stands out from the competition. the objective of our market positioning is to influence the perception of a brand in the minds of a specific target audience’s. We also increase brand awareness, communicates value, and justifies pricing. The following is a synopsis of the usual services provided:

  1. Competitors Research: We carry out investigations about your competitors to learn their positions and create chances for your products to be distinct from the rest.
  2. Target Audience Research: We carry out a study to identify who your audiences are, what they require, desire and think of the market.
  3. Value Description Development: We can help you discover the special selling proposition that is offered by your company.
  4. Positioning Statement Generating: We make a clear statement that explains why individuals should care about your brand or know anything about it.
  5. Messaging stratification Development: We provide all necessary information for building stratitute in messaging, including core messages, support messages, and benefit statements.
  6. Messaging Tone and Voice Development: We work with you in defining the tone and voice to be used throughout your company’s communication consistently reflecting its personality.
  7. Consumer segmentation research: we get valuable information about your target audience’s with consumer segmentation. This study helps you provide your market positioning strategy by finding out exactly who your target consumer segments are, what they want, and what message will fit in with them. You can use this information to create buyer personas, measure product demand in your chosen segment, and guide your campaign targeting efforts

8.. Messaging for Different Audiences: Adjusting ones messages so as to fit various sections of audience

  1. Usage & attitudes research: Understanding your top target audience’s habits and motivations with usage & attitudes research. This information will help you create vital marketing campaigns, identify new opportunities within the segment, and find potential for new growth.
  2. Creating Marketing Materials: We develop marketing paraphernalia like leaflets, PowerPoint slides and social media posts that work with your message.
  3. In-house Communication Materials: materials are designed to ensure the employees comprehend and consistently communicate company messaging.
  4. Coaching Seminars and Workshops: Our workshops are aimed at making sure that your team comprehends and carries out the strategy of communication properly.
  5. Message Control: We create rules and procedures which are meant to maintain constant information delivery throughout all communication channels.
  6. Messaging Review: Messages are reviewed frequently for effectiveness purposes and corrections made where necessary.
  7. Market repositioning: Repositioning is used when a product loses its status in the market. It may be caused by shifts in the market or simply poor product performance. Many companies choose to launch something new because repositioning can be costly in terms of time and money.

Importance of market positioning survey services for businesses

In today’s competitive business landscape, a strong company identity and clear communication are essential for success. The following reasons are why positioning and messaging services are so important for businesses:

  1. Outstanding performance: Messaging in a Crowded business are bombarded with messages from all sides. Effective positioning and messaging help your brand cut through the noise and get noticed by your target audience.
  2. Insight Focus: Understanding Your Brand Essence, Positioning services help you define your brand’s core values, what makes you unique, and the value you offer to customers. This clarity translates into focused messaging that resonates with your target audience.
  3. Exceptional: A strong positioning strategy helps you differentiate yourself from competitors. By highlighting your unique value proposition, you can avoid getting lost in a sea of similar offerings.
  4. Customer Connection: Effective messaging builds stronger connections with your target audience. When your messages allign with their needs and expectation, you develop an avenue for trust and loyalty.
  5. Employee Alignment: A well-communicated brand message ensures your employees understand your brand identity and value proposition. This alignment needs to consistent messaging across all areas, from customer service interactions to marketing campaigns.
  6. Marketing Efficiency: constant messaging across all angel of your establishment leads to a more efficient, excellent and impactful marketing strategy. You avoid confusing your audience with mixed messages and ensure your marketing efforts are all working together towards the same goal.
  7. Strategic Growth: A strong brand positioning and messaging strategy established a solid foundation for future growth. It established your product development, marketing initiatives, and overall business decisions, ensuring you are moving in the right direction.
  8. Improved sales: With strong marketing positioning, your products and services are viewed as more relevant to a specific niche in your target market. This turns into new customers and improved sales.

By investing in positioning and messaging services, businesses gain a strategic business advantage over competitors. They can develop a clear brand identity, communicate their value proposition effectively, and build stronger relationships with their target audience. This needs to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and most importantly business growth.

– How  market positioning survey services can benefit the client’s business

By partnering with a positioning and messaging company, you gain valuable ideas in brand strategy, messaging development, and content creation. This will help you to be able to achieve the following benefits:

  1. Insight and Focus: A clear and consistent brand message ensures everyone understands your brand and its value proposition.
  2. Exceptional: Effective positioning helps you stand out from the competitors.
  3. Customer Connection: Resonant messaging builds stronger connections with your target audience.
  4. Employee Alignment: A well-communicated brand message ensures your employees are aligned with your brand goals.
  5. Marketing Efficiency: Consistent messaging across all business areas leads to a more efficient and impactful marketing strategy.

Overall, positioning and messaging companies play a vital role role in assisting businesses build strong brands and achieve marketing success.


Our market positioning survey services strategies

  1. Cost leader strategies: We help you prioritizes reducing the cost of production to offer the lowest priced products. Price leadership is when a business offers the lowest price as its main selling point.
  2. Competitive strategy: We use this strategy to allows marketers to create distinction of their product offerings in the minds of their target market.
  3. Focus strategies: We helps you focus on the following

Product attributes and benefits: Associating your brand/product with certain characteristics or with certain beneficial value

Product price: Associating your brand/product with competitive pricing

Product quality: Associating your brand/product with high quality

Product use and application: Associating your brand/product with a specific use

Competitors: Making consumers think that your brand/product is better than that of your competitors

Pain Points to Address during the Engagement

– Common challenges faced by businesses who do not do positioning and messaging in Nigeria.

Companies that don’t engage in  positioning and messaging  may have a number of difficulties and problems, such as:

  1. Internal Misalignment: There might be a lack of consensus or clear vision within the client company about the brand identity. The positioning and messaging company can help by coordinating trainings to get everyone understands what the brand values and goals are, and how the can fit in to the goals of the brand.
  2. Limited Marketing Expertise: The client might have a limited understanding of branding principles and messaging strategies. The company can provide educational resources and explanations throughout the process.
  3. Unclear Target Audience: The client might not have a clear understanding of their ideal customer. positioning and messaging company can help conduct market research in order to identify and define the target audience and their needs.
  4. Scope Creep: The initial project scope might not be clearly defined, leading to misunderstandings and potential delays. The company should work hand in hand with the client to establish a clear scope of work upfront.
  5. Difficulties Articulating Value Proposition: The client might struggle to define their unique value proposition. The positioning and messaging company can use training and interviews to uncover the client’s strengths and weakness.

6.Messaging Misunderstanding: The developed messaging might not resonate with the target audience. The company can conduct user testing to ensure the messaging is clear, compelling, and aligns with the target audience’s expectation.

  1. Ineffective Communication: Poor communication between the client and the company can lead to misunderstandings and missed deadlines. The company should establish clear communication protocols and keep the client informed throughout the project.
  2. Unrealistic Expectations: The client might have unrealistic expectations about the time frame for establishing a strong brand positioning and messaging strategy. The company should provide a realistic time frame based on the difficulties of the project.
  3. Approval Delays: Delays in client feedback or approvals can slow down the project time frame. The company should establish a clear approval process and set deadlines for feedback.

By proactively addressing these pain points, the positioning and messaging company can foster a smooth and successful engagement for both parties.

 – How messaging and positioning research services helps in overcoming these challenges

Here’s how positioning and messaging services can help overcome the pain points that can arise during an  engagement:

  1. Internal Misalignment: Positioning and messaging companies employ trainee’s and facilitation techniques to bring different departments within the client company together. These training can help establish common ground around brand values, goals, and target audience. By fostering open communication and collaboration, everyone involved is aligned from the outset.
  2. Limited Marketing Expertise: These companies understand the challenges clients face with limited marketing expertise. They can provide educational resources throughout the process, explain concepts clearly, and answer questions to ensure the client understands the reasoning behind each step.
  3. Unclear Target Audience: Positioning and messaging services incorporate market research into their process. This research can involve surveys, focus groups, and competitor analysis to help identify and define the target audience and their needs. With a clear understanding of the ideal customer, the messaging strategy can be used to resonate with them.
  4. Scope Creep: To avoid scope creep, these companies employ a scoping process at the initiation of the engagement. This involves clearly defining the project goals, deliverables, timeline, and budget. Regular and Effective communication and progress updates ensure the project stays on track and avoids unexpected changes.
  5. Difficulties Articulating Value Proposition: Experienced consultants use training and interviews to discover the client’s strengths and weekness. Through this process, they can help the client to Understand a clear and compelling value proposition that captures the essence of their brand and its unique services.
  6. Messaging unclearity : User testing is a key tool used by positioning and messaging services. By conducting user testing, they can ensure the developed messaging is clear, compelling, and tarry with the target audience’s expectations. This feedback loop allows for adjustments before the messaging is finalized and implemented.
  7. Ineffective Communication: These companies establish clear communication protocols at the start of the project. This might involve regular meetings, progress reports, and a designated point of contact on both sides. By proactively keeping the client informed throughout the process and addressing any concerns promptly, misunderstandings are resuced.
  8. Unrealistic Expectations: When developing the project time frame, positioning and messaging companies factor in the complexity of the project. They will provide a realistic time frame inline with the company research needs, training, and messaging development. This transparent approach helps manage client expectations.
  9. Approval Delays: To avoid delays, these companies establish a clear approval process at the start of the engagement. This includes setting deadlines for feedback and ensuring all stakeholders on the client-side are aware of the approval process.

By implementing these strategies, positioning and messaging services can ensure a smooth and successful collaboration with the client. They become trusted advisors who can guide the client through the process, address challenges proactively, and deliver a strong brand positioning and messaging strategy.

Our Approach

Detailed explanation of the methodology used for our market   positioning research

This is a step-by-step process for completing benchmarking research services that involves pre-planning and kick-off meetings between your business and Stonehill intelligence marketing business  Limited:

Phase 1: Identification and Immersion

Kick-Off Meeting: We will start the project with a kick-off meeting to discuss your company goals, target audience assumptions, and desired outcomes for the positioning and messaging strategy.

Team Assembly: We will gathered a dedicated brand strategy team with experience in positioning frameworks, competitive analysis, and your specific industry

Stakeholder Interviews: We will conduct in-depth interviews with key stakeholders within your company, including executives, marketing team members, and sales representatives. This will provide insights into the brand’s vision, values, and current messaging.

Identify current market position: We will survey how  you are currently marketing your brand, how  you are representing your brand as something distinctive from others, Your current market position offers you insight into what direction you should take your marketing to next.

Competitive Analysis: We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of who your key competitors, including their positioning statements, messaging strategies, and marketing materials.

Phase 2:  Research and Insights

Market Research: Depending on your needs, we may recommend conducting additional market research, such as online surveys or focus groups, to gather insights directly from your target audience.

Data Analysis and Synthesis: We will analyze all gathered data, including interview notes, competitive analysis findings, and market research results. We will identify key themes, trends, and opportunities.

Brand Essence Development: Through collaborative workshops, we will work with you to define your brand essence, which captures the core value proposition and personality of your brand.

Phase 3:  Positioning Strategy

A positioning statement communicates your brand’s value proposition to its target market segment, we helps your company do the following:

Positioning Framework Development: We will utilize a proven positioning framework to analyze your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) relative to the competitive brand.

Value Proposition Definition: Based on the research and analysis, we will work with you to refine your value proposition, a clear and concise statement that communicates the unique benefit your brand offers to customers.

Positioning Statement Creation: We will create a compelling positioning statement that captivate the essence of your brand, its target audience, and its differentiated value proposition.

Phase 4:  Messaging Strategy

Messaging Hierarchy Development: We will establish a clear hierarchy of messaging, including core messages, supporting messages, and benefit statements. This ensures a consistent and targeted approach to communication across all channels.

Messaging Tone and Voice Development: We will define the tone and voice that will be used in all your brand communications, ensuring consistency and reflecting your brand personality. This might be professional, playful, authoritative, etc.

Messaging Platform Creation: We will develop a comprehensive messaging platform that serves as a central source for all your brand messaging. This platform will house your key messages, positioning statement, and messaging guidelines.


Phase 5:  Implementation and Ongoing Support

Messaging Implementation Plan: We will develop a plan for implementing the messaging strategy across all communication channels, including website copy, marketing materials, social media content, and sales presentations.

Style Guide and Brand Voice Guidelines: We will create a style guide that outlines the messaging framework, tone of voice, and messaging dos and don’ts to ensure consistent brand communication across all teams.

Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing support to address any questions you may have and ensure a smooth transition of the positioning and messaging strategy into your marketing and communication efforts. We can also conduct messaging audits periodically to ensure continued effectiveness.

Communication: We believe in open communication throughout the project. We will schedule regular meetings to keep you informed of the progress, share key findings, and ensure alignment with your expectations.

Deliverables: A comprehensive brand strategy document outlining the research findings, insights, positioning statement, messaging strategy, and implementation plan.

Messaging platform with core messages, supporting messages, and brand voice guidelines.

Style guide.

By employing this phased methodology, we can develop a data-driven and audience-centric positioning and messaging strategy that sets your brand apart from the competition. Our collaborative approach ensures that the final strategy aligns with your brand goals.

Benefits of Our Market positioning Survey services

In today’s competitive world, a strong brand messaging and clear positioning are essential for business success. Our  market positioning survey services go beyond guesswork to deliver data-driven insights that empower you to create a message that resonates with your target audience and drives results. Here’s what you can expect to gain by partnering with us:

  1. It helps you know The current position of your products which includes
  • The position of competitive products
  • Where your products should be positioned – and how you can get them there
  • Strategies for creating a positive image or identity in the minds of your target market for your products, brand, or organization
  • How to design your marketing efforts to satisfy the specific needs and tastes of consumers and buyers in a target market segment
  1. It helps you know the most effective way to differentiate your products from your competitors
  2. Sharper Brand Focus: Through survey and analysis, we help you define your brand’s core values, unique selling proposition and target audience. This discovering will need into focused messaging that allign with and resonates with the right target audience’s.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Our survey gives light on your competitive tragegy , revealing opportunities to differentiate your brand and occupy a distinct space in the market. This strategic Positioning allows you to capture a loyal customer base more than your business contemporary.
  4. Deeper Customer Connection: Effective messaging is not just about your products and the benefits you get; it’s about connecting with your audience on an friendly level. Our research helps you understand their needs, aspirations, and pain points, which helps you to create messages that resonate and build trust.
  5. Increased Marketing Efficiency: A well messaging and positioning research helps your company established a well structure that helps you increase your marketing involves across all social platforms.
  6. Measurable Growth: By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your messaging strategy, you can measure the effectiveness of your communication efforts. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your messaging and optimize your marketing strategy for continuous growth.
  7. Actionable Insights: We translate research findings into actionable recommendations for creating compelling messaging and developing targeted marketing campaigns.

9.Improved Brand Perception: Our research helps you identify areas for improvement in brand perception and develop strategies to cultivate a positive brand image.

  1. Employee Alignment: A clear and consistent message empowers your employees to become brand ambassadors, ensuring everyone reasons with your brand identity and messaging strategy.

Investing in positioning and messaging research is an investment in your brand’s future. Partner with us and unlock the power of clear communication to achieve your marketing goals and experience sustainable business growth.

     Positioning Research QUESTION

  1. What are my brand’s core values, and how are they different from my competitors?
  2. Have I pass my brand’s mission into a clear, compelling message that customers can quickly understanding?
  3. What does my brand represent or promise to deliver that is unique and valuable?
  4. How do I want my customers to feel about my brand after using my products ?
  5. Are my brand’s visual identity and messaging consistent with the values I aim to project?
  6. What improvements can I make to align my brand identity more closely with my values?
  7. Are there external perceptions of my brand that don’t allign with my internal intent?
  8. What is my brand’s personality, and is it consistent across all areas?
  9. Am I effectively communicating the purpose and benefits of my business?
  10. Who are my direct and indirect competitors, and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  11. How can I differentiate myself from my Competitors
  12. What gaps in the market are my competitors not fitting in that I can exploit?
  13. What are my competitors’ market positions, and how are they perceived in the market?
  14. What is my current position in both price and perceived value in comparison to my competitors?
  15. In what areas am I most vulnerable in comparison to my competitors?
  16. What strategies are my competitors using for market positioning that my brand is not using, and which ones are working the best?
  17. Who is my ideal customer, and what are their needs and pain points?
  18. How does my product or service solve my target market’s problems or meet their needs?
  19. Is my target audience sufficiently narrow to allow me to become a category leader?
  20. Are there market segments that my competitors are neglecting, which I can focus on instead?
  21. What are the demographics and psychographics of my target audience, and how do these affect their decision-making process?
  22. Where does my target market spend their time online and offline?
  23. What type of content are allign with my target audience, and how can I position my brand within that content?
  24. How loyal is my target market to existing brands, and what can I do to influence their loyalties?
  25. What features or benefits does my product have that are better than my competitors?
  26. How do these features or benefits solve customer problems more effectively than other options in the market?
  27. What is the unique selling proposition (USP) of my product, and how can I innovate it through my marketing efforts?
  28. How does the expiring date of my product affect its market position, and what product updates will be required to maintain my position?
  29. How do I price my product or service to reflect its market position?
  30. Is my product’s distribution strategy helping or hindering its perceived value and accessibility?
  31. What channels and methods can I use to improve awareness and accessibility of my product?
  32. How do my packaging and presentation align with the perception I want my customers to have of my brand?
  33. What is my current marketing mix, and is it effectively reaching my target audience?
  34. Which marketing channels are most effective at driving awareness, interest, and conversions for my brand?
  35. Are my marketing messages and branding consistent across all customer platforms?
  36. How can I leverage storytelling and narrative to strengthen my brand’s market position?
  37. What influencers and partners can I partner with to enhance my market position?
  38. How do I handle customer feedback and social status to build my brand’s reputation and trustworthiness?
  39. How can I use scarcity, social status to strengthen my brand’s perceived value?
  40. Am I making use of the latest marketing trends and technologies to stay relevant and engaging?
  41. How do I want my brand to be perceived, and how does this tarry with my target audience’s perception?
  42. What strategies can I use to shift my brand’s perception more in line with my desired positioning?
  43. What measures can I take to protect my brand’s image, both online and offline?
  44. How do I monitor and measure my brand’s perception, and what key performance indicators (KPIs) am I using?
  45. What is my brand’s Net Promoter Score (NPS), and what actionable insights can I derive from these customer ratings?
  46. Am I regularly surveying my customers and prospects to gain deeper understanding into my brand’s perception and market positioning?
  47. How do I react to negative perceptions or a damaged brand image, and what can I do to repair it?
  48. How does my company vision affect the way we position ourselves in the market?
  49. What are the internal challenges that may be affecting my market positioning, and how can I overcome them?
  50. How can I empower my employees to act as brand ambassador and support our market positioning strategies?
  51. What are some success stories within my organization that I can use to reinforce my market position?
  52. How do I communicate my brand’s core values to employees to ensure they are reflected in their work?
  53. Are there areas of my company approach that need to change in order to improve our market positioning?
  54. What evolution and developments in the market are shaping new market positioning opportunities for my brand?
  55. How quickly can I cope to these changes and leverage new opportunities?
  56. What investments do I need to make in research and development to maintain or improve my market position?
  57. How do I stay ahead of the competition and expect market shifts that could influence my position?
  58. What are the competitive threats that could affect my market position, and how can I handle them?
  59. When is the right time to reevaluate my market positioning, and what factors should catapult a review?
  60. How do my sales strategies and approach contribute to my market positioning?
  61. How can I apply my sales process to better reflect my brand’s market position and values?
  62. What can I do to provide an exceptional customer experience that reflects and enhances my market position?
  63. What incentives or ideas can I offer that are in line with my market positioning?
  64. What approach can I train and engage my sales team to put  my brand’s market position in their interactions with customers?
  65. What data or market research can I use to continuously renovate my sales approach and market positioning approach?
  66. How do I create a strong online presence that reflects my brand’s market value?
  67. What is the right instrument used for online and offline marketing activities that will grow my market position most effectively?
  68. How can I leverage my online presence to reach new audiences or test different market positioning strategies?
  69. What insite events can I use to capture the heart of  customers and improve my brand’s market position?
  70. What is the future direction of my market positioning, and how can I start preparing for it today?




Gathering information from a sample of customers  about their perceptions of each of your product and its attributes and your organization as a whole will help you understand what message they have about your company and its products. It can go a long way  to survey these groups separately to understand if prospects’ views of your company change once they have conducted business with you.

  1. OUR VALUE IN MARKET POSITIONING: We will help you identify what features are most important to potential buyers  and what features will differentiate you from your competitors. For instance, maybe research finds that quantity has the highest importance to the customer and that prospects perceive your competition as having low  quatity. Using this information to create and communicate a product with high quatity can help you gain market share.
  2. 2. MARKET POSITIONING AND CUSTOMER JOURNEY: The buying process is complicated and is influenced by both internal and external factors. In fact, there are specific steps that a customer takes before reaching a decision to buy. We’ll help you determine the process your target market goes through and the motivations at each step, so you can successfully position your products for purchase.
  3. MARKET POSITIONING DECISIONS-DIFFERENTIATE OR FOLLOW THE MARKET LEADER: Product differentiation is the key to surviving in the crowded marketplace. By conducting a competitive positioning analysis, you can compare your products and services relative to your compititors and determine which attributes and benefits are important to the customer. This allows you to position your product or service based on those attributes and benefits. It can also help you identify a smaller segment of the market with specific needs you can call your market niche. By focusing your resources on a smaller and more specific customer base, your business may be able to serve this group better than your larger competitors while using your resources more effectively.
  4. HOW MARKETING RESEARCH CAN HELP CHANGE MARKET POSITIONING: Conducting a market research positioning study may leave you feeling like you want to adjust your market position. You may wish to change a product’s position or even the position of your organization. In today’s evolving market, expectations of customers, investors and employees can cause a company to change its positioning to meet the needs of stakeholders. At Stonehill intelligence Research, we can provide you with the accurate information you need to utilize in repositioning a product, service or even your business or organization


Results you can expect from our  Market positioning Survey services

When you partner with us for market positioning survey, you gain more than just that. We translate insights into actionable results that empower you to make informed marketing decisions and achieve significant business growth. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Sharpen brand focused: We don’t just identify your focus, we help discover how your focus will allign with your customer and gives indept meaning to your focus.
  2. Measurable Growth: We track key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your messaging strategy, you can measure the effectiveness of your communication efforts. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your messaging and optimize your marketing strategy for continuous growth.


Related Services

You may extend and supplement your products by providing a number of complementary services in addition to messaging and positioning research services Among these services are:

  1. Customer Experience (CX) Consulting: Provide advice to customers in order to better understand and enhance their overall CX. This might involve evaluating the touchpoints with customers, figuring out where they are uncomfortable, and coming up with plans to make them happier and more devoted.
  2. Insights and Data Analysis: Offer customer’s assistance in interpreting the survey information they gather. Provide customers with insights and practical suggestions based on data analysis to help them find patterns, trends, and areas for improvement.
  3. Survey Design and Development: Assist customers in creating personalized surveys that are suited to their unique requirements and goals by providing survey design and development services. Offer your skills in creating well-thought-out survey questions, choosing suitable survey techniques, and guaranteeing the validity and reliability of the survey.
  4. Staff Engagement questionnaires: Provide clientele with staff engagement questionnaires to gauge motivation, morale, and job satisfaction. Assist customers in determining the elements that affect worker engagement and in formulating plans to enhance workplace productivity and culture.
  5. 360-Degree Feedback Surveys: Offer 360-degree feedback surveys to assist clients in compiling thorough input from peers, supervisors, staff members, and consumers. Provide perspectives on areas for professional growth, team dynamics, and the efficacy of leadership.
  6. Net Promoter Score (NPS) Analysis: Provide clients with NPS analysis services to gauge advocacy and customer loyalty. Give advice on how to raise NPS ratings over time and insights on what influences customer loyalty.
  7. Customer trip Mapping: Help clients see the entire customer experience by helping them plan out their trip. Determine the most important points of contact, areas of concern, and chances to improve the customer experience and raise satisfaction levels.
  8. Workshops and Training: To assist customers in developing internal skills for measuring and enhancing customer satisfaction, provide workshops and training sessions. Give advice on survey methods, best practices, and tactics for increasing client loyalty and satisfaction.
  9. Technology Integration: Assist customers in integrating survey technology and tools with their current systems and workflows. Assist customers in utilizing technology to expedite the administration of research, gathering and organizing data, and conducting analyses.

You may give clients a full range of tools to assess, comprehend, and enhance customer happiness, loyalty, and retention by providing these associated services.


     Industries we Serve

– List of industries where messaging and positioning research  services have been provided

Messaging and positioning research are useful in a variety of industries where companies want to better understand their customers’ experiences. The following is a list of businesses that frequently use  messaging and positioning research services:

  1. Retail: Shoppers’ happiness with merchandise, services, store design, and overall shopping experience is measured by retailers through the use of messaging and positioning research
  2. Hospitality and Tourism: To gauge visitor happiness, pinpoint areas for development, and improve the entire guest experience, hotels, restaurants, airlines, and travel agencies use messaging and positioning research.
  3. Healthcare: To gauge patient satisfaction with medical treatments, facilities, and staff interactions, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers uses messaging and positioning research.
  4. Banking and Financial Services: To gauge how satisfied customers are with their banking products, internet services, and customer assistance, banks, credit unions, and other financial organizations employ messaging and positioning research.
  5. Automotive: To get input on vehicle quality, sales experience, service facilities, and after-purchase assistance, automakers and dealerships uses messaging and positioning research.
  6. Technology and Software: To gauge user happiness with software, online platforms, customer support, and technical assistance, technology corporations conduct messaging and positioning research.
  7. Telecommunications: To gauge client satisfaction with mobile phone services, internet access, billing procedures, and customer support, telecommunications businesses administer messaging and positioning research.
  8. 8. E-commerce: messaging and positioning research are used by online merchants and e-commerce platforms to get input on the usability of their websites, product choices, delivery, refunds, and customer support.
  9. Food and Beverage: To gauge customer happiness with food quality, menu variety, eating experience, and customer service, restaurants, food delivery services, and beverage corporations make use of messaging and positioning research.
  10. Education: Student, parent, and teacher input on academic programs, facilities, teaching quality, and support services is gathered by schools, colleges, and educational institutions through messaging and positioning research services
  11. Insurance: To gauge policyholder satisfaction with insurance offerings, claims handling, customer support, and agent contacts, insurance firms uses messaging and positioning services
  12. Utilities: Messaging and positioning research services are used by utility businesses, such as those that supply water, gas, electricity, and cable, to evaluate how satisfied customers are with response times, billing accuracy, customer assistance, and dependability of service.

These are only a few instances of the sectors in which benchmarking research services are essential for enhancing client interactions, encouraging loyalty, and preserving competitive edge. Messaging and positioning services can be customized to meet the unique requirements and goals of companies in a variety of sectors.

– Success stories or case studies from specific industries

Of course! The following are some case studies and success stories from certain sectors where messaging and positioning research services have been very important:

  1. Hospitality Sector – Chain Hotel A:

– Challenge: Hotel Chain A wanted to increase patron loyalty and pleasure at all of its locations.

– Remedy: The hotel chain put in place a thorough program for client satisfaction surveys, gathering input from visitors at a number of points of contact, such as eating establishment, facilities, quality of accommodation, and check-in.

– Results: Hotel Chain A was able to identify areas for improvement, including expedited check-in procedures, improved room cleanliness, and more dining options, thanks to the messaging and positioning services outcomes. The hotel chain experienced a noticeable boost in repeat business and guest satisfaction ratings after resolving these problems.

  1. Automotive Industry-Car Manufacturer B: – Challenge: Car Manufacturer B aimed to improve dealership services and car satisfaction for its customers.

– Solution: To get input from consumers following service visits and post-purchase, the automaker used messaging and positioning research that were introduced at dealerships.

– Results: Automobile Manufacturer B found ways to enhance dealership customer service, construction quality, and vehicle dependability by examining research outcome. The manufacturer observed increases in referrals, client retention rates, and customer satisfaction ratings as a consequence.

  1. E-commerce Industry – Online Retailer C: – Challenge: Online Retailer C aimed to raise customer happiness and enhance the online buying experience.

– Solution: To get input on website usability, product selection, shipping, and customer service, the online store used messaging and positioning services.

– Outcomes: Online Retailer C pinpointed problems with product descriptions, shipping schedules, and the checkout process by examining research data. The business invested in customer service training, expedited delivery procedures, and improved the look and feel of its website. Higher customer satisfaction ratings, more return business, and favorable word-of-mouth recommendations were the results of these enhancements.

  1. Telecommunications Industry – Telecom Provider D: – Challenge: Telecom Provider D sought to enhance overall satisfaction with its internet and mobile services while lowering customer attrition.

– Solution: In order to get input on network performance, billing accuracy, customer service interactions, and service dependability, the telecom operator deployed messaging and positioning services.

– Results: Telecom Provider D identified opportunities for network infrastructure improvement, billing system changes, and customer service training after evaluating survey results. Based on research data, the supplier also unveiled loyalty plans and customized incentives. Increased brand loyalty, better customer satisfaction indicators, and lower customer attrition rates were the outcomes of these efforts.

These success stories demonstrate how marketing and positioning services have aided companies in identifying areas for development, improving customer experiences, and spurring expansion into new markets. Businesses may prioritize efforts and make well-informed decisions that enhance customer happiness and loyalty by utilizing research findings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The following are some often asked questions (FAQs) on market positioning services:

  1. What is market positioning research? Market positioning is the process of establishing a brand image that stands out from the competition
  2. What is the difference between messaging and positioning?: Positioning is where your product fits in the market, who you serve, what you’re doing, and how you’re different. Messaging is the clarity of what you say about your product.
  3. Why is market positioning research important?: it is important because it gives target audience’s clear understanding of what your products or services is all about, the benefits the will also benefits from your brand. It also helps your target audience’s to know what differtiate you from others
  4. What are the benefits of using your company for market positioning research?

We have the  perfect experience and tools to conduct thorough research and analysis. We base our recommendations on data and research, not guesswork.

  1. Who are your ideal clients?

Our idea Clients are Companies of all sizes.. It’s  particularly of high value for businesses that are involved in

a, Launching a new product or service

b, Rebranding or repositioning themselves

c, Struggling to connect with their target audience


You will be able to know how if you will be Collecting information from a sample of customers or potential customers about their perceptions of each product and its attributes and your organization as a whole this will help you understand what image they have of your company and its products. It can be extremely helpful to survey these groups separately to understand if prospects’ views of your company change once they have conducted business with you.

  1. WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER WHEN POSITIONING MY PRODUCT OR SERVICE? We will help you identify what attributes are most essential to potential buyers – and what attributes will set you aside from your competitors. Using this information to generate and communicate a product with high quality can help you gain market share.
  2. HOW DOES THE AVERAGE CONSUMER OR BUYER EVALUATE MY PRODUCT BEFORE PURCHASE?: The buying process is complicated and are being influenced by both internal and external factors. We will help you determine the process your target market goes through and the motivations at each step, so you can successfully position your products for purchase.
  3. How can I differentiate myself among other competitors?: Differentiating your first among other competitors have to do with first identifying your key competitors and the SWOT and it is through research you may be able to achieve it.

Product differentiation is the key to surviving in the crowded marketplace. By conducting a competitive positioning analysis, you can compare your products and services relative to your competition and determine which attributes and benefits are important to the customer. This helps you to position your product or service based on those attributes and benefits. It can also help you identify a smaller segment of the market with specific needs you can attach your market niche. By focusing your resources on a smaller and more specific customer base, your business may be able to serve this group better than your larger competitors while using your resources more effectively.



In today’s evolving market, expectations of customers, investors and employees can cause a company to change its positioning to meet the needs of stakeholders. At Vernon Research, we can provide you with the accurate information you need to effectively reposition a product, service or even your business or organization.

  1. How much does your service cost?

The cost of our services depends on the type of the project and the specific needs of your company. We offer consultations to discuss your project and provide a unique solution for your brand.

  1. What is the next step?

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your messaging and positioning challenges. We can help you develop a clear and compelling strategy that drives results.

   Why Choose Us

Selecting your  market positioning survey services company has a number of clear benefits for companies looking to improve client experiences and spur expansion:

  1. Experience and Knowledge: Our group has a wealth of knowledge and experience in creating, executing, and evaluating messaging and positioning in a variety of sectors. Our comprehension of the subtleties involved in research technique, question formulation, and data analysis guarantees that our clients obtain precise and practical insights.
  2. Customized Solutions: We understand that every company is different, with own objectives, difficulties, and clientele. Our messaging and positioning research services are customized to match the particular requirements and goals of every customer, guaranteeing that the surveys are pertinent, useful, and in line with corporate goals.
  3. Comprehensive Approach: We provide a whole method for writing messaging and positioning research that includes design, data gathering, analysis, and recommendations that can be put into practice. With the help of our end-to-end solutions, clients may uncover important information about how customers view themselves, pinpoint areas in need of development, and put focused plans into action to raise client loyalty and satisfaction.
  4. Data-Driven Insights: We craft our research to gather significant data and insights that propel well-informed choices. We use cutting-edge analytics tools to examine research data, spot patterns, and extract useful information that supports customers’ strategic choices and expansion of their businesses.
  5. Client-Centric Approach: Our services are centered around a dedication to the success and happiness of our clients. Throughout the research process, we place a high value on open communication, teamwork, and openness to make sure our customers are well-informed and equipped to make data-driven choices that will improve their business outcomes.
  6. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to innovation and ongoing enhancement of our research procedures and service offerings. We maintain up to date knowledge of industry standards, best practices, and new developments in the field of measuring customer happiness, which enables us to provide our clients with innovative solutions that produce outcomes.
  7. Verified History of Success: Our record of accomplishments speaks for itself. With our messaging and positioning research services, we have aided many customers from a variety of sectors in increasing brand loyalty, boosting customer happiness, and spurring corporate growth. Our happy customers are proof of the caliber and potency of our offerings.
  8. Long-Term Partnership: Based on mutual respect, trust, and honesty, we see our client engagements as long-term partnerships. We are dedicated to provide our clients continuous assistance, direction, and knowledge to enable them to successfully traverse the challenges of measuring customer happiness and accomplish their business goals.

In conclusion, using our messaging and positioning research services enables companies to get insightful information, implement customer-focused strategies, and experience long-term success in the cutthroat business world of today. We are committed to assisting our clients in thriving and succeeding via our knowledge, tailored solutions, and client-centered approach.


Our people


Matthew Ogagavworia became Chief Executive Officer of Stonehill intelligence and marketing business Limited after Co-founding the Company in 2017 having successfully managed the then, a unit of Stonehill intelligence marketing and business limited

Matthew Ogagavworia responsibilities include brand positioning and driving the company to achieve the growth and development of the company. He currently pursues organic growth of the company through investing in our existing product or services that have generated growth in the past, creating new products or services to take advantage or new opportunities performing better on our core capabilities and leveraging our team.



Hector is a project implementation consultant with Stonehill intelligence marketing and business Limited. Hector has worked in the Nigeria for over 20 years primarily within risk management and related areas in financial services organizations. He is the Senior Manager, Enterprise Risk Management Department within the Financial Services Risk Management Practice at Hodge Consult. Hector’s area of focus is the identification and development of clients’ needs in operational risk.

Client engagements have included advising and guiding on risk frameworks and governance, risk and control assessments, indicators of key risks, modeling of operational risk and risk reporting as well as risk appetite, the use of six sigma and enterprise wide risk management.



Teddy is a Consultant at Stonehill intelligence marketing and business Limited.  Teddy has over 21year experience in Accounting Advisory, Project Finance,  Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management,, Public Sector Advisory,Management Consulting, Tax Risk Management, Strategy, Management Development, Audit, Taxation, Banking,  He was previous Audit Manager at D. O Dafinone & Co (Chartered Accountants), He is currently Executive Director at BGL Securities Limited. He has attended courses both locally and international. He is also on the board of Tricorr Technology Limited, an Environmental Consulting firm as well as Kings Crown Business School.


Joshua Oweibo HND, FCA, ACTI.

Joshua Oweibo is a Teaming Consultant with Stonehill intelligence marketing and business Limited. He has over 30 years of experience in Tax Practice, auditing, consulting, financial controls, Risk Management, He has led several business transformation teams in varied industry both in Nigeria and abroad. His specialties include tax planning and management; financial planning, reporting & control; business modeling and valuation; auditing and compliance testing.


David C Okpara, B.Sc, FCA, CISA AMNIM.

David is a Consultant with Stonehill intelligence marketing and business  Limited. With over 9 year experience in Accounting, Auditing & Investigations, Finance, Analysis, and Tax.


Our Process for market positioning survey services

Our market positioning  survey services   are distinguished by a methodical and all-encompassing approach intended to provide meaningful insights and promote ongoing enhancements in customer contentment. This is a summary of our workflow:

  1. First Consultation: To understand the client’s unique goals, objectives, and needs for the marketing and positioning research, we first have an initial consultation. We learn about the client’s industry, target market, key performance indicators (KPIs), and any current customer feedback systems during this session.
  2. 2. Data Inventory and Assessment: We work with you to identify and assess all available customer data sources, including demographics, purchase history, website behavior, and survey data.
  3. Defining the Roadmap: Based on your goals and data inventory, we collaboratively define clear research objectives and specific questions that the positionin
  4. Unveiling Hidden Insights: This phase involves a deep dive into understanding your target market.
  5. Data Collection and Analysis: We methodically compile and arrange the survey results into groups in preparation for analysis. In order to evaluate survey data, spot trends, patterns, and correlations, and derive useful insights for decision-making and improvement projects, our team applies sophisticated analytics approaches.
  6. Insights and Recommendations: We compile a thorough report outlining the main conclusions, insights, and suggestions for the customer based on the examination of survey data. This research identifies areas of strength, areas in need of development, and doable tactics to raise client happiness, brand loyalty, and overall company success.
  7. Presentation and Discussion: We give the customer a clear, succinct, and visually appealing manner in which to receive the survey results and recommendations. In order to guarantee alignment, respond to any queries or worries, and determine the best course of action for implementation, we will encourage conversations with important stakeholders during this presentation.
  8. Implementation help: We offer the customer continuous help and direction as they carry out the suggested plans of action. This might entail supporting the creation of action plans, keeping an eye on developments, and adjusting tactics in response to criticism and changing company requirements.
  9. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Working with the client, we assess how well adopted initiatives and strategies are achieving increases in business results and customer satisfaction. To maintain continued relevance and efficacy, we ask clients for feedback, track research metrics constantly, and refine research techniques.

By partnering with us, you gain a reliable research partner dedicated to helping you achieve marketing success through a data-driven segmentation and targeting approach. Let’s discuss your project and how our process can deliver the insights you need to reach the right audience and achieve your marketing goals.


Client Testimonials

Certainly! While I cannot provide real client testimonials, I can help you draft some examples based on common sentiments expressed by clients:

  1. “Exceptional insights and actionable recommendations” – “Our business has changed significantly as a result of working with Stonehill intelligence Business and marketing Limited.” Their market positioning survey gave us great insight into the requirements and preferences of our clients. We were able to improve our client experience and streamline our operations thanks to their practical advice.”
  2. “A Trusted Partner in Driving messaging and positioning research” – “We have been doing our market positioning survey in conjunction with Stonehill intelligence and marketing business Limited, and the outcomes have been exceptional. Their proficiency, courtesy, and commitment to comprehending our company’s operations have made them a reliable collaborator in enhancing consumer happiness. We heartily endorse their offerings to any company trying to improve client interactions.”
  3. “Essential Support in Improving client Loyalty” – “Stonehill intelligence and marketing business Limited has provided us with essential support in enhancing client loyalty, for which we are really grateful. Their market positioning survey gave us priceless information on how to improve our goods and services. The entire procedure was efficient and smooth because of their teamwork style and individualized care.”
  4. “Results-Driven Approach and Exceptional Service” – “One of our finest choices was selecting Stonehill intelligence and marketing business Limited for our market positioning survey. Their outstanding service and results-oriented attitude surpassed our expectations. The information obtained from their surveys has been crucial in fostering changes throughout our company and enhancing our interactions with clients.”
  5. “A Partner Dedicated to Our Achievement” – “Stonehill intelligence and marketing business has been a partner dedicated to our achievement from the beginning to the end. Their market positioning survey have given us useful information and insights that have aided us in setting priorities for our projects and making well-informed decisions to improve customer satisfaction. We sincerely value their proficiency, demeanor, and commitment to our achievement.”

These endorsements demonstrate the beneficial effects that our market positioning offerings may have on customers and their companies. They emphasize how valuable your advice, ideas, and dedication to fostering client loyalty and happiness are.



– In Stonehill intelligence and marketing business, we adopt the transparent pricing model

– We have different packages/options available to suite your budget and business needs

– Please contact us for a custom quote



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Tel: (+234) 802 320 0801, (+234) 807 576 5799


Office Address: 5, Ishola Bello Close, Off Iyalla Street, Alauasa, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

– Contact form for inquiries

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